Inktober 2019 Summary

I completed 31 (actually 32) little pen and ink/wash sketches in 31 days. Inktober is over and, though I found it challenging at times, I plan on making it an annual habit. It’s fun and motivational especially when you realise that someone is watching and, in effect, supporting your effort.

Many thanks to all those who liked, commented on or followed my journey, I am pretty sure I would have lapsed in my daily drawing had it not been for you. The motivation you provided helped me to stay focused.

For the past few years Inktober has been a themed event, where each day offers a topic of inspiration. As this was my first year I elected to set my own subjects.

I look forward to Inktober 2020 but in the meantime I shall continue to provide weekly posts on my progress in building experience and technique in watercolour painting (and the occasional other media).

Inktober was created by Jake Parker in 2009 as a challenge to improve his inking skills and develop positive drawing habits. It has since grown into a worldwide endeavor with thousands of artists taking on the challenge every year.

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